How the data is physically stored ( physical data independence, fragmentation, and replication transparency) 如何对数据进行物理存储(物理数据独立、分片和复制透明性)
This table concentrates on the aspects that have the largest effect on granularity, namely abstraction, data format, transport independence, interaction pattern, and mediation. 此表的重点在对粒度有最大影响的方面,即抽象、数据格式、传输独立性、交互模式和中介。
DB2's optimizer is the component that accomplishes this physical data independence. DB2的优化器是完成该物理数据独立性的组件。
These include data, versioning, transport independence, interaction pattern, conversation, and mediation. 这包括数据、版本控制、传输独立性、交互模式、对话和中介。
This separation of access criteria from physical storage characteristics is called physical data independence. 从物理存储特征中分离出访问标准叫作物理数据独立性。
Academic journal evaluation Data waving Data independence Indicator difficulty ratio weighting; 期刊评价;数据波动;数据独立;指标难度赋权法;
Data independence will remain there for sync as it is already for online access. 由于已经为在线访问提供了数据独立性,因此在同步功能中仍然保留这一特性。
The principal component analysis ( PCA) is used to make data set have some independence characteristics and remove noise from data. 这里结合主成分分析(PCA)对原始数据进行预处理,消除噪声并使数据分布具有一定程度的独立特性。
The data acquisition thread of independence on main-thread was augmented, i.e. GetData() global function was defined. Module design of program was realized. 并添加一个独立于主线程的数据采集线程,定义GetData()的全局函数,实现程序模块化设计。
The implemented architecture has the good qualities of regular input/ output data stream, strong independence and flexibility. 这种实现结构具有输入/输出数据流规则、独立性和灵活性强的优点。
By studying the data independence techniques of Roscoe, some principles for modeling that using the data independence techniques are summed up. 在研究Roscoe数据独立技术的基础上,提出保证数据独立技术使用的模型条件。
Detailed integration solution on local enterprise information management and ERP integration is illustrated. Data independence data consistency and corresponding solution involved between local data and ERP integration are discussed in this paper. 本文以企业中局部信息管理与企业ERP衔接的解决方案为例,讨论了局部数据与ERP衔接中所涉及的数据独立性和数据一致性问题以及相应的解决办法。
Introduced the function, composing and main technique data of the independence power plant of missile launch vehicle of a certain new weapon system. 介绍了某新型武器系统导弹发射车主机发电设备的功用、组成及主要技术数据。
In order to keep the data independence from application program, the necessary local logical data structure can be self-defined in every individual application program. 为了实现数据对应用程序的独立性,应用程序自行定义所需要的局部逻辑数据结构。
This system uses VAX-11 network DBMS and has the features of data independence, data sharing, data security and data integrity. 该系统采用VAX-11DBMS网状数据库技术,具有数据独立性、共享性、保密性和数据完整一致的特点。
Regularizing reduction to the pole of higher-noise-level and high-accuracy ground magnetic Δ T data, with the independence from latitudes, may decrease noise-level to a great extent and gain better results of reduction to the pole. 对含有较高噪声水平的高精度地面磁测ΔT异常化极,不论纬度高低,都能较大程度地压低噪声水平,获得高质量的化极结果。
Study and implementation of data independence based on DB 2/ 400 database 基于RS6000服务器的DB2数据库性能调优DB2/400数据库数据独立性研究与实现
This platform constitutes soft components, uniformly describes the system information resources, adopts blackboard techniques to build the control center for complex problem analysis and resolution, and possesses the advantages in the data independence and expandability. 该平台是一个以软构件的方式搭建,以XML语言统一描述系统信息资源,以黑板技术为控制核心的智能化支持平台,具有良好的数据无关性和可扩充性。
Middleware can reduce the correlation between components and data, improve the independence of the components and extend the area reused. 使用中间件建立领域数据整合平台可以降低领域构件对领域数据的相关性,有效提高领域构件的独立性,扩大复用的范围。
And, it becomes a standard pattern of data exchange of cross platform and a standard pattern of operation because of XML data semantics and XML data independence. 同时,由于XML的数据语义和数据独立性,它成为跨平台数据交换和操作的标准模式。
In this article the gray relational analysis method is used, conforming to the data available, quantizing and independence, and quantitative indicators used for the qualitative analysis of factors of international logistics of processed corn products. 因此本文运用了灰色需求的关联分析方法,遵从数据可获得、可量化和独立性的原则,定性分析了与玉米加工品国际物流相关的影响因素。
GPRS communication modules and failure diagnosis and data collection system modules independence, it can therefore be flexible separate applied to different demands of the demand. GPRS通信模块和现场故障诊断和数据采集系统模块独立性强,因此可以灵活的单独应用于不同要求的工程需求。
The advantages are procedures and high data independence, good data structure, abstract level, easy expansion, easy to use and low redundancy. 具有较高的程序与数据独立性,良好的数据结构,抽象级别,易扩充、易使用,低冗余等优势。
Spatial Statistical Analysis consider that phenomenon or attributes of a spatial spot are have some kind of relation with there neighborhood 's. Almost all the spatial data have spatial independence or spatial autocorrelation. 空间统计分析通常认为一个区域单元上的某种地理现象或某一属性值与邻近区域单元上同一现象或属性值是相关的。几乎所有的空间数据都具有空间依赖或空间自相关特征。
At the same time, every unit data is independence when we dealing with the longitudinal data, so we can not avoid the outside infection by experimenting time after time. 并且在对纵向数据处理中,每一组样本都是独立的,我们无法通过重复实验来消除外界影响。
This scheme can effectively reduce the system coupling degree between, but also enhance the security of the data and the data sharing platform independence. 该方案有效降低了系统间的耦合度,大幅度的提升了数据共享平台的业务支撑能力和扩展能力,同时降低了后期业务支撑的开发成本。
Taking into consider of the molecular and atomic data independence in the molecule similarity computing. Sum up three types of parallel methods of solving problem like calculating molecular similarity on the basis of the two experiments results. Analyse the scope of application for each parallel method. 考虑到分子相似性计算中分子和原子数据独立性的特点,本文最后根据对两个实验结果的分析总结出了解决分子相似性计算问题的三类并行方案并分析各个方案所适用的范围。
Data logical independence ( DLI) is an important characteristic of the database management system ( DBMS), DLI could guarantee that application systems are independent of data entities, which is significant for the development of the application system. 数据逻辑独立性是数据库管理系统的重要特征,是应用系统独立于数据实体的重要保证,对于应用系统的发展具有十分重要的意义。
In recent years, with the inprovement of data collection and measuring, the assumptions of data independence been questioned. 然而,近年来随着测量技术和采集数据技术的发展,数据的独立性假设遭到严重质疑。
Use View class to implement the representation layer and reduce data redundancy contributes to the independence between the layers, which makes clear task assignment among layers. 用View类实现表示层减少传输数据的冗余有助于各个层之间的独立,使每个层分工明确。